
Geography time

Friday, November 21, 2014


a.  The rain forest has a abundant amount of resources such as the following: vegetation helps clean the atmosphere, regulate climate, and shelter millions of animals, insects, and other species. 

b. Resulting of the destruction of the rainforest millions of species are left homeless, or left for dead. As well as the intake of carbon by these rainforests decreasing rapidly. Plants in rain forests can also be used for medical purposes or for scientist to further explanation of life or their thesis(or whatever they're doing experiments for).

c.  Factors that could slow the destruction of the rainforest is the debt-for-nature swap, and the restriction of economic development until people can find the right balance between economic growth and the preservation of the rain forests.

4.  With the way the world is turning out now, how the people are choosing, its a simple as one sentence, or one word: suicide. We are tying the noose around our own neck, Mother Earth will survive we won't. The rainforests will be extinct to a certain point and humans will have to adapt again. We need the rainforest for numerous things; carbon dioxide intake, medical research, holding animals and other species.

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