1) What did you learn from the video? Do you think its fair that a corporation can own a country's water?
I don't think it's fair at all! I think its stupid and insane, companies owning water? You cannot own water, it's nobody's to own... it repeats a cycle how can you own it! Your water could end up in a different part of the world! Society will easily fall apart! Water is water, it cannot be own...it is for the public not the private.
2) Do you think the people of Bolivia had a right to react the way they did?
Of course the people had the right to act like they did! It makes sense, if you steal something and make it yours, like water, and make people buy it back...that will upset the people. You're just asking for protests! The bottom line is, you cannot take something from the people when it is rightfully anyones and not one persons alone!
3) How has geography affected settlement in Latin America?
Since Latin America has three types of grasslands its perfect for agricultural needs, they also are the world leading mineral leaders. The Amazon River, the largest river in the world, is also located in this region. The Andes Mountain also prohibited land from settlement because of the hills and rocky lands.
4) Where are the Andes Mountains located?
The Andes Mountains are located north to south along the western coast of the continent.
5) What are the three major river systems in South America?
The three major river systems in Latin America is Orinoco River, Amazon River, and the Parana River.
6) What river carries more water to the ocean than any other river in the world?
The Amazon River carries more water to the ocean.
7) What are the three major island groups in the Caribbean Islands?
The Bahama, the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles.
8) What are Llanos?
Llanos are grassy, treeless area used for livestock grazing and farming.
9) What are three types of resources found in Latin America?
The three types of resources in Latin America are minerals, hydroelectric power, and agriculture.
10) What S. American country generates the most hydroelectric power and why?
Brazil because the Amazon River is located in Brazil.
11) What types of landforms are found in Latin America?
Landforms in Latin America are highlands, mountains, rivers, lowlands, and plains.
12) What is your favorite South American country?
Peru would be one of my favorite places in South America. It is rich in our ancient history, The Inca Empire and later the major viceroyalty of Spanish South America. THe only reason I mention Peru is because the photography of the Inca ruins. It inspires me to actually learn some stuff about Peru. Plus, Peru has beautiful beaches, the llamas(!), and magnificent landscape.
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